With the recent tragedies, nature and man-made, it is difficult not to get swallowed up into the negative energy, causing anxiety, fear and melancholy. However, to help others and ourselves, we can decide to be an agent for good.
We can shift negative conversations into positive discussions by helping others notice the good that is still going on. We can help ourselves and others by shifting our conversations toward gratitude and playful humor, especially when children are nearby. If we do this everyone will go about their day feeling positive and hopeful, rather than anxious and fearful. Do yourself and others a favor, don’t keep negative conversations alive. Our words have energy, choose the good ones! If you get stuck in the yuck, (hey, I’m a poet!) then reach out for help before despair sets in. I am here for you when you need support. ~ Jean It takes a lot of energy to repress memories, to repress traumas. So when we have these bottled up feelings, they are robbing us of energy we could use for our healing, for our joy, for our creativity. That's why it's so important to find healthy ways to relieve this bottled up energy. A holistic wellness session, that I offer, can help release some of this pent up emotional energy and get you back to enjoying your life again. Have doubts? Read testimonials on FB page or this website.
When you have too much emotional tension built up in your body it acts like a pressure cooker, building and building and building until eventually a nervous breakdown occurs. Your mind-body is overloaded, in dis-ease. Your health, relationships, finances and quality of life take a toll. What can you do to prevent this from occurring? Self-care! You need to give yourself permission to start taking care of your needs. A great way to start is with a Holistic Wellness session at the Barefoot Haven in Greendale. Together we will get you back to enjoying your life again.
"Coherence is an optimal state in which the heart, mind and emotions are operating in-sync and balanced. Physiologically, the immune, hormonal and nervous systems function in a state of energetic coordination.
When you are coherent, you are energetically centered, increasing your mental and emotional flexibility and your capacity to be in charge of yourself." Howard Martin What is interfering with you living a coherent life? Experience emotional weight loss with the services that I offer, so you can begin living in coherence! The energy of trapped emotions, traumas, anxiety and unprocessed life experiences, which are held in your body and nervous system, are a contributing cause of your aches and pains and sleepless nights. Your body is crying out that something is wrong. If you continue to ignore these trapped, emotionally charged energies, your health and quality of life will take a toll - no matter how hard you try to lead a healthy life.
Therapies such as somato-emotional release, a subset of craniosacral therapy (which I use in the Holistic Wellness session), can help dissipate the effects of the trapped energies. I encourage you to set-up an appointment with me to free yourself from their harmful effects. See testimonials for how others have benefitted. It is normal to have some stress in your life. In fact, the body and brain are extremely resilient to short term external stressors.
But, that’s not what’s happening with you. Your modern life is filled with never before seen stressors, coupled with expectations of handling more and more. In this environment, your system begins to shut down; leaving behind anxiety, stress-related illnesses like high blood pressure or adrenal fatigue. Left for too long, physical pain will set in, leading to further anxiety or depression. You may have turned to alcohol or medication to calm the sensory overload that is rattling your nervous system and disrupting the calm you know is available to you. Often, when faced with the overwhelming thoughts of “healing ourselves,” we simply give up. We accept this as “our new normal.” We believe the calm we seek is elusive. I’m here to tell you; it’s not. Craniosacral Therapy, a light touch technique, restores calm to the nervous system, allowing the heart and mind to “reset.” This technique gently releases restrictions in the body, allowing it to naturally strengthen its own resilience to disease. I often combine CST with other therapies such as, neck and shoulder massage and Reiki, a method that channels universal energy to provide balance and healing. Sessions are held at the Barefoot Haven in Greendale. You are fully clothed while lying on a comfortable massage table. I encourage you to set up an appointment and give these therapies a try! Have doubts? Read testimonials on this website and reviews on my FB page. #everydaywellnessforyou #giveyourselfpermission #TYClaireJackoway The shadow is a part of your psyche that you are very hesitant to look at or to own as part of yourself. Often, what you judge in others, you deny in yourself. "To become conscious of your shadow requires that you recognize the dark aspects of your own personality as present and real" (Jung). To be a whole, integrated being and to live as your true self, it is necessary that you face your own shadow.
When you look at your shadow and acknowledge it, it loses the power to emerge suddenly and forcefully during times of stress and crisis. When you acknowledge and become familiar with your shadow, much of the energy that was being used for denial becomes available for creative living. Look at your shadow and know what it's about. After you have become familiar with your shadow, whenever it emerges, you will be able to identify it. It will lose its power over you. It will not rule your behavior. ~ Excerpt from SomatoEmotional Release 2, Upledger Institute Study Guide pg. 32 A main cause of chronic illness is stress. We have the stresses of life, and then we have the old stresses - the childhood beliefs, traumas, and fears that are living in our unconscious, which we may not be aware of. When we address the old stresses and clean up the unconscious, we are in a better place to transform our daily stress response to a relaxed and restored response.
In order to heal ourselves so we can enjoy our lives, we need to remove the energy cyst that is holding the old stresses. Craniosacral therapy, somato-emotional release and energy therapy can help with this. I encourage you to give these therapies a try. If you have doubts read the testimonials on how others have responded. I encourage you to contact me today to set up your appt. ~ #giveyourselfpermission #everydaywellnessforyou |
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