Promoting positive mental health is everybody’s business! Everyone should care about mental health because people who are mentally healthy and feel happy demonstrate greater degrees of everyday functioning(1), healthy behaviors(2), and perceived good health(3). Completely mentally healthy individuals function better in everyday life reporting fewer sick days and chronic physical conditions, lower health care use, and higher levels of psychosocial functioning(1). 1 Keyes, C. L. M. (2002). The mental health continuum: From languishing to flourishing in life. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 43, 207-222. 2 Rasciute, S., Downward, P. (2010). Health or Happiness? What Is the Impact of Physical Activity on the Individual? Kyklos 63 (2), 256–270. 3 Sabatini, F. (2011). The relationship between happiness and health: evidence from Italy. MPRA: Munich Personal RePEc Archive, 1-23. An excerpt from a correspondence I had with someone who didn't feel any benefit from Reiki energy therapy:
I understand your hesitancy with energy therapies. Early on, I had doubts, too and wondered whether a session was worth it. What I discovered, was that the times I thought a session was a waste of my time, I was all in my head during the session. Instead of opening myself up to the energy, my mind was analyzing what the practitioner was doing or I was thinking about what I needed to do that evening or was reliving something in the past. Although I was on the massage table, I was not actually present. When I allowed myself to quiet my mind and be present in the moment, that is when I had profound experiences with energy therapy. We live in a culture where our brain is always being stimulated, which for some people, including myself, have a hard time settling down enough to notice the effects of energy therapy. That's why I try to create an atmosphere to invite calm and often use a guided meditation to help quiet the mind. Energy therapy is beneficial in helping you to get into a deep state of relaxation, which can then allow you to let go of negative views/thoughts and see your life from a different perspective. It also allows tight holding patterns to soften allowing your muscles to move more freely and breathing to occur with greater ease. This then provides the opportunity for your body to begin it's healing process. So often people go right back into the chaos and tighten right back up. That's why self-care is so important and repeated sessions are beneficial in learning to stay connected with the energy to maintain calm, even in the midst of chaos. I often teach people Reiki so they are empowered with tapping into the energy for themselves. Chronic stress depletes us. Energy therapy is a fuel that can restore our depleted state. I encourage you to give it a try! Contact me today. |
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