According to the Center of Disease Control, if you are experiencing stress on a consistent basis you are at a higher risk for developing life long health problems. Most chronic diseases are now being linked to stress. Do yourself (and your future self!) a favor and start making lifestyle changes to improve your enjoyment and longevity.
Stress-busters to start implementing into your daily routine: Get outside! Connecting with nature relieves tension and increases calm feelings. Too busy to find a park? Even 5 minutes outside can improve your mood. Go outside during your lunch break rather than eating at your desk while you work. Breathe in the fresh air, feel the breeze and sun on your face and smile. :) Breathe like a lion! Try this yoga breath to immediately relieve tension in your jaw, chest and face. Take a DEEP BREATH through your nose then stick your tongue out as far as possible toward your chin while exhaling with a loud prolonged 'ha' sound. Doing this a few times may even get you to laugh which leads me to the next stress buster: Humor! A good belly laugh increases oxygen intake, decreases blood pressure and relaxes muscles. Create a Silly Brigade with your co-workers to see who can make the others laugh. Not only will this decrease your stress it may even improve productivity due to staff enjoyment at work. What will you add? Please share in the comments below. "Forgiveness is a breadcrumb on the way to everyday joy. When you hold onto stories about the past, you live the identity of a victim and can't possibly feel joyful.
If you are stuck in a grudge, consider this: You are the one who is suffering most. You are the one keeping yourself from living fully. Letting go of the past doesn't give approval to bad behavior and it doesn't require an apology. Forgiveness is a choice you make for yourself so you can be free of the past. You walk away from the part of you who keeps the suffering going and enter the land of freedom." ~ excerpt from Tending Your Garden of Everyday Joy by Gail Brenner, Ph.D. |
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